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Bad Rabbit.

bad rabbit - Bad Rabbit.

Dubbed “Bad Rabbit,” the virus is the latest example of cyber criminals using ransomware to extort cash – here’s everything you need to know. What is the Bad Rabbit ransomware attack? Bad Rabbit is a strain of ransomware. It is…

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Take the best screenshots

IT solutions auckland - snipping Tool

Introduction The Snipping Tool is a program that is part of Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10. Snipping Tool allows you to take selections of your windows or desktop and save them as snips, or screen shots, on your computer….

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Ransomware protection

Ransomware IT solutions Aukcland

Ransomware activity has spiked with several reports revealing some alarming trends that could have an impact on Australiasian businesses. The ACCC has released its annual Small Business in Focus report, stating it has received 7,600 enquiries and complaints from small…

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Windows 10 Updates uses Torrent!

Windows 10 update IT help Auckland

Windows Update Delivery Optimization A new feature in Windows 10 is Windows Update Delivery Optimiziation (WUDO). What is WUDO – It is initially designed to help users get faster software updates and works a lot like torrents work. Your computer…

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