
Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection

Secure mailbox 470x223 - Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection

Protect your emails, files and Office 365 applications against unknown and sophisticated attacks. With the ever-growing threat of hackers and phishers, trying to gain our information and getting us to click on links in our emails, we need to be…

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Spectre and Meltdown Vulnerabilities

meltdown spectre 1 - Spectre and Meltdown Vulnerabilities

On the 3rd January Researchers released information on new security threats dubbed “Meltdown” and “Sceptre”. These threats affect Intel, AMD and ARM processors which affect PC’s, Mobiles, Tablets While there have been no known instances of malicious use of these…

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Bad Rabbit.

bad rabbit - Bad Rabbit.

Dubbed “Bad Rabbit,” the virus is the latest example of cyber criminals using ransomware to extort cash – here’s everything you need to know. What is the Bad Rabbit ransomware attack? Bad Rabbit is a strain of ransomware. It is…

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Take the best screenshots

IT solutions auckland - snipping Tool

Introduction The Snipping Tool is a program that is part of Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10. Snipping Tool allows you to take selections of your windows or desktop and save them as snips, or screen shots, on your computer….

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