
IOS 7 Tricks

IOS 7 IT companies Auckland

Some of Apples IOS7 new features might be hurting your battery life. Thing is, it’s not the standout features like AirDrop or the Notification Center — it’s the stealthy settings buried beneath a stack of menus. If you’re noticing a…

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To Cloud or not to cloud …

Office365 IT Services

Cloud Services Auckland Have you been thinking about Cloud computing? A lot of companies that are approaching renewal dates, or refresh dates are. The major advantages of going to the cloud are; No large hardware purchase costs Latest software licenses…

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Smart About Smart-Phones

Smart About Smart-Phones

Remember the sneaky trick played by software makers? Download a free program and somehow it would automatically install an unwanted “search toolbar” on your computer’s internet browser. That annoying ploy hasn’t disappeared on mobile phones. At least 50 million Android…

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All Over I.T: Malware

Ransomware IT solutions Aukcland

One of the most dreaded words for any computer user is “malware.” Rogue software and infected files can implant bits of code that log keystrokes, spy on activities, slow down searches and snatch financial information. Users can help protect their…

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Understanding Sharepoint & Voip

Wizard IT Sharepoint & Voip IT companies Auckland

Well 2013 is turning out to be a very unpredictable year. Forecasting has become a form of rocket science, and new technologies are coming thick and fast. We love the turmoil. (most of the time) Thanks to all of you…

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