
Turn Powerpoint into a video

powerpoint IT services Auckland

There may be times when you want to use a Powerpoint presentation on a TV Screen in a showroom, or send to a colleague or prospective client, or upload to your website. This is a great way to share high-fidelity…

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Office 2016 Released

Office2016 IT companies Auckland

Today is the worldwide release of Office 2016 for Windows. This marks a milestone in delivering new value for Office 365 subscribers with a focus on collaboration, apps that work for you, a perfect pairing with Windows 10, and security…

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What is Clutter ?

Computer IT Companies Aucland

Outlook Clutter Office 365 Hosted Exchange now offers a “Clutter” Feature. The Clutter feature is designed to move low priority messages from your inbox to the Clutter folder making it easier to see important messages. Clutter Analyzes your emails, and…

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Clearing the Browser Cache

Internet Browser IT companies Auckland

From time to time it may be necessary to clear the cache in your browser. This is quite often one of the first steps to troubleshooting browsing issues, so here is a quick tip on how to do it; Internet…

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