
Heartbleed SSL Vulnerability

Heartbleed SSL IT services Auckland

Open SSL Vulnerability Millions of passwords, credit card numbers and other personal information may be at risk as a result of a major breakdown in Internet security revealed earlier this week. The damage caused by the “Heartbleed” bug is currently…

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All about VOIP

VoIP IT services Auckland

VOIP Services Auckland What is VoIP? VoIP is short for Voice over Inter Protocol. Simply put, it’s the ability to encode your voice, convert this to data which is then sent over a local network or internet connection to a…

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Typing with Special Symbols

Typing with Special Symbols IT companies

Computer Special Characters Symbols Have you always wanted to add a copyright symbol into a document ? how about a trademark symbol? or did you just want to impress an office colleague by typing a bunch of musical notes into…

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Hosted Sharepoint

Wizard IT Sharepoint & Voip IT companies Auckland

What is Microsoft SharePoint? Microsoft SharePoint is a team collaboration platform tightly integrated with Microsoft Office to improve information sharing within internal and external teams. Whether a simple document library that is securely accessible from anywhere or advanced document management,…

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